Collection: Professional Mixing and Mastering Services

Elevate Your Music to Professional Heights with Analog Gear and Expert Mixing & Mastering Services

In the dynamic world of music production, the quest for that perfect sound can be both exhilarating and daunting. For music producers, bands, and solo artists aiming to make their mark in the industry, achieving a professional-level sound is not just an option—it's a necessity. This is where the magic of analog gear and the precision of a professionally treated mixing/mastering room come into play.

The Analog Advantage

In the age where digital convenience dominates, the unique warmth, depth, and character of analog gear remain unmatched. While digital technology offers its benefits, including flexibility and accessibility, it often lacks the organic texture that analog equipment provides. Here’s why analog gear stands out

Authentic Sound Quality:

Analog gear imparts a rich, warm quality to your music, making each track feel more "alive." Giving that almost 3D music experience. 

Unique Character

Every piece of analog equipment adds a distinct sonic signature to your music, allowing for a more dynamic and engaging mix.

Tactile Mixing Experience:

The hands-on approach to mixing with analog gear offers more intuitive control over your sound, leading to a more refined end product.


Analog music mixing gear in desk
Our Analog Gear

The Importance of a Professionally Treated Room

The environment in which you mix and master your tracks is just as crucial as the equipment you use. A professionally treated and tuned mixing/mastering room ensures accurate sound reproduction, allowing you to make precise adjustments and critical listening decisions. Our facility is designed to meet the highest standards, providing an acoustically optimized space that rivals some of the world's top studios. Here’s why our room makes a difference:

Accurate Monitoring:

Hear your mix as it truly is, without the coloration and inaccuracies common in untreated spaces.

Critical Decision Making:

Make informed choices about EQ, compression, and effects with confidence, knowing that what you hear is what you get.

Industry-Standard Results:

Achieve mixes and masters that translate well across various listening environments, from high-end sound systems to everyday headphones.

Professionally treated rear wall acoustic treatments in a mixing and mastering room

Our Professionally Treated and Tuned Room, some areas on the back are over 15 inches thick.   That is what it takes to get to a professional level

Professional acoustic treatments
A professional room helps yield professional results

Why Choose Us?

At our studio, we merge the best of both worlds—the irreplaceable character of analog gear and the precision of a top-tier mixing/mastering environment. Our commitment to your music goes beyond just providing a service; we aim to elevate your artistry to its fullest potential. Here are the unique selling points that set us apart:

  1. World-Class Mixing and Mastering Room: Our studio offers an acoustically treated space that allows for meticulous sound crafting.
  2. Extensive Collection of Analog Gear: We've invested heavily in premium analog equipment to ensure your music stands out.
  3. Affordable Pricing: High-quality mixing and mastering services should be accessible. We offer competitive rates without compromising on quality.
  4. Personalized, Caring Service: Your vision is our passion. We take the time to understand your musical goals and work diligently to bring them to life.
Spectrograph of a professionally treated mixing and mastering room

A spectrograph chart from a sound test in our room.  Notice how flat the response is and very low reverb.  This is on par with the world's top mixing/mastering control rooms.  It took us 3 months to get it to this level. 

Beyond the Box

While the convenience of "mixing in the box"(all digital) has its place, the depth and dimension achieved through analog processing can elevate your music from good to unforgettable. Our studio bridges the gap between traditional analog warmth and modern production techniques, offering a comprehensive solution that saves you time and resources. No need to split your project between different locations for mixing and mastering—with us, you receive a cohesive, polished product ready for the world's ears.

Ready to Stream

In today's digital age, streaming is king. To stand out, your tracks must not only be professionally produced but also optimized for streaming platforms. Our services ensure your music meets the stringent quality standards of today's digital landscape, enabling you to capture the attention of listeners worldwide.

Join Us

Are you ready to elevate your music? Contact us at today to be placed on the list for portfolio viewing and available client openings. Don't settle for less—choose the path that brings your musical vision to life with the clarity, depth, and professional sheen it deserves. Your artistry has no limits, and with our analog gear and expert mixing/mastering services, your sound will know no bounds.

We look forward to working with you!



Waterfall chart of a professionally treated mixing and mastering room

Waterfall chart of a professionally treated mixing and mastering room


RT60 chart of a professionally treated mixing and mastering room

RT60 chart of a of a professionally treated mixing and mastering room


Analog gear and desk in a professionally treated mixing and mastering room
A professionally treated mixing and mastering room
Music desk with analog gear in a professionally treated mixing and mastering room
Music desk with analog gear in a mixing room
Analog gear in a music desk



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